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PM Modi: Covid- India fights back


PM Modi: Covid- India fights back

PM Modi: Covid- India fights back

PM Modi: Covid- India fights back
Confirmed cases: 2,71,57,795
Recovered: 2,43,50,816 (89.66%)
Active cases: 24,95,591 (09.19%)
Deaths: 3,11,388 (1.15%)
  1. When to discontinue Home Isolation or seek Medical support
  2. 10 days have passed since onset of symptoms
  3. No fever for 3 days
  4. No need for testing after Home Isolation period is over
  1. when to seek Medical support
  2. Difficulty in breathing
  3. Persistent pain/pressure in the chest
  4. Dip on Oxygen levels below < 94%
  5. Mental Confusion/ inability to stand
Improve Lung Oxygenation by lying in #Prone position:
If the oximeter reading shows SpO2 levels below 94%, patients in home care are advised to lie prone on thier stomachs. This will improve breathing & increase oxygen saturation.
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