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Sharad Pawar to PM Modi- Object to the functioning of Lakshadweep Administrator


Sharad Pawar to PM Modi- Object to the functioning of Lakshadweep Administrator

Sharad Pawar to PM Modi- Object to the functioning of Lakshadweep Administrator

Sharad Pawar to PM Modi- Object to the functioning of Lakshadweep Administrator
NCP Leader Sharad Pawar highlighted to the Prime Minister, ” I would like to draw Hon’ble PM’s kind attention towards certain serious concerns raised by Shri P. P. Mohammed Faizal, MP (Lok Sabha), Lakshadweep, with regard to the policy decisions taken by the newly appointed Administrator of Lakshadweep.
Administrator of Lakshadweep Mr Praful Khoda Patel has among others brought about 3 major changes in Lakshadweep
1] Creation of LDA
2] Anti-Social activities Regulation Bill 2021
3] Animal Preservation & Regulation Bill 2021
4] Availability of Alcohol in 3 more islands of Lakshadweep

Mr Sharad Pawar stressed, “I fear that unwarranted and irrational decisions taken by the #LakshadweepAdministrator would lead to the destruction of traditional means of livelihood and the unique culture of Lakshadweep. It has already resulted in the huge unrest and protest.”

Mr Sharad Pawar said, “I would be happy if orders and decision taken by the incumbent Authority of Lakshadweep Administration are re-examined and necessary directions are passed to the #Lakshadweep Administration to withdraw the unreasonable and unwarranted orders.”
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