Priyanka Gandhi: Modi Govt increased oxygen exports by 700% during pandemic
Congress Leader Priyanka Gandhi said. The Modi Govt says “No death due to lack of oxygen”, But the deaths happened Because in the pandemic year, the government increased oxygen exports by 700% Because the government did not make arrangements for tankers transporting oxygen…
Ignoring the advice of the Empowered Group and the Parliamentary Committee, no arrangement was made to provide oxygen. No activity was seen in setting up oxygen plants in hospitals.
Sr Congress leader Shashi Tharoor added , ” Modi went forward with the construction of the extravagant and arguably unnecessary Rs 20,000 crore Central Vista project, amid the lockdown, declaring the construction work an “essential service”—even while genuinely essential services like oxygen supplies were unavailable.”
Another Sr Congress Leader said, “Over 629 Indians died due to lack of oxygen in at least 110 hospitals across the country. The govt can lie, manipulate the facts but it cannot take away the pain of our people. Every Indian knows what happened in the 2nd wave, propaganda won’t change that.”