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Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General, World Trade Organization interacts with SHG members and officials of MoRD


Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General, World Trade Organization interacts with SHG members and officials of MoRD

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General, World Trade Organization interacts with SHG members and officials of MoRD

Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General, World Trade Organization interacts with SHG members and officials of MoRD

SHG members shared their experience of working with SHG

Dr. Ngozi appreciates initiatives taken by the SHG members during the pandemic

During the on-going visit of Her Excellency Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Director General (DG), World Trade Organization (WTO) to India, she interacted with the officials of Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Government of India and women of Self-Help Group (SHG) promoted under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana- National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM), MoRD on 22nd October, 2021.

Shri Charanjit Singh, Joint Secretary, MoRD led the discussions and Sh. Raghvendra Pratap Singh, Director, MoRD and a team of thematic experts from the National Mission Management Unit, DAY-NRLM, MoRD attended the meeting. Sh. Brajendra Navnit, Ambassador & Permanent Representative of India to the WTO Geneva, Switzerland and Mr. Abhimaniu Sharma, DOC, Ministry of Commerce participated in the meeting.

Shri Charanjit Singh presented an overview of DAY-NRLM components and activities conducted by the SHGs during the COVID-19 outbreak. DG, WTO also interacted virtually with Ms. Rambeti Sen, Master Krishi Sakhi of Vishwanath SHG from Madhya Pradesh, Ms.  Sushma Devi, BC Sakhi of Durga SHG from Bihar, Ms Jamuna, President of Krishna Bhagwan CLF and Jai Chamunda SHG from Madhya Pradesh, Ms Sujatha Unnikrishnan Secretary of Vismaya SHG from Kerala and Ms Nandini Devi, Entrepreneur of Ma Gayatri SHG from Jharkhand.

She enquired SHG members about their areas of work, experience of joining SHG, how it has impacted them economically and socially and how SHGs addressed challenges imposed by the disease outbreak.

The SHG members shared their experience of working with SHG and informed that their economic and social situation has improved and now they are able to take care of their families, children and themselves better. They informed about their work i.e. disbursement of money at the door step during the COVID-19, supporting SHG households in setting up of the Agri-Nutrition Garden, promoting Agro-Ecological practices, setting up of enterprises like soap, sanitizer making, spices etc, awareness generation on COVID-19 appropriate behaviours, addressing COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in the community, distribution of free dry rations and cooked food to the vulnerable etc.

DG, WTO congratulated SHG members for their efforts in making a positive difference in their lives and community. She specially appreciated initiatives taken by the SHG members during the pandemic and wished them well in their future endeavours.

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