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Centre reviews Commissioning, Installation & Functional Status of Oxygen supply Equipments Supplied by it to the States/UTs


Centre reviews Commissioning, Installation & Functional Status of Oxygen supply Equipments Supplied by it to the States/UTs

Centre reviews Commissioning, Installation & Functional Status of Oxygen supply Equipments Supplied by it to the States/UTs


Centre reviews Commissioning, Installation & Functional Status of Oxygen supply Equipments Supplied by it to the States/UTs

Medical Oxygen is an essential Public Health Commodity; its Uninterrupted Supply of Critical Importance

Ensure No Gap between Equipments/Systems supplied, installed and made Fully Functional at Health Facility level

States to Conduct Mock Drills to ensure full Functionality of all Oxygen Equipments

Medical oxygen is an essential public health commodity andits uninterrupted supply in sufficient quantity is of critical importance to tackle the pandemic. This was underlined by Shri Rajesh Bhushan, Union Health Secretary as he addressed the meeting with States and UTs to review the status and their preparedness regarding Medical Oxygen devices and systems (PSA Plants, LMO Plants, Oxygen Concentrators, Medical Gas Pipeline System), through a video conference today.

Informing the States and UTs that the Union Government has assisted them through availability of equipment, technical and financial support for PSA plants, oxygen concentrators, ventilators, oxygen cylinders, Liquid Medical Oxygen (LMO) plants and Medical Gas Pipeline systems (MGPS), the States were urged to review and monitor the status of these on a daily basis to ensure that the gap between the equipments and systems delivered to the Districts and installed at the healthcare facilities is reduced to zero. While equipment and systems have been sanctioned and delivered, in many states these have not been sent to the district healthcare facilities and when delivered, some have still not been made functional. State nodal officers were requested to streamline coordination with Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), HLL Infra Tech Services Limited (HITES) and Central Medical Services Society (CMSS) etc., for resolution of electricity related and site related issues for ensuring quick operationalization of the entire medical oxygen supply infrastructure supplied to them.

As on date, a total of 3236 PSA plants have been installed in the country from various sources with a total commissioned oxygen capacity of 3783 MT. Moreover, 1,14,000 Oxygen Concentrators are being provided to States under PM CARES (1 lakh) and ECRP-II (14,000).

It was also pointed out to the States that ECRP-II funds have been sanctioned to them for installation of 958 LMO Storage Tanks and medical gas pipeline systems in 1374 hospitals. States were advised to utilize this opportunity to enhance domestic oxygen production capacity and ensure the completion, installation and commissioning of medical gas pipelines in government hospitals expeditiously.

The States were strongly urged to schedule and conduct mock drills of all installed and commissioned PSA Plants to ensure that they are in fully operational status, so that the oxygen with the required quantity, pressure and purity reaches the intended patients at their bedside. These drills are to be completed by the end of December 2021. The report to this effect is to be submitted to the Union Health Ministry through designated portals for live tracking and monitoring of the functional status of these equipments. States were also requested to complete the pending Oxygen Audit reports and submit this through the designated portal by the end of December 2021.

The Union Health Ministry is conducting comprehensive training programmes to build and enhances capacities of technicians and clinicians for operation and maintenance of the PSA plants and other medical oxygen related infrastructure. States that have yet to complete the scheduled training programmes were urged to expedite them and complete the pending ones by December end, in coordination with the District Skill development Councils.

Dr Manohar Agnani, AS (HFW), Principal Secretary (Health), Mission Director (NHM) and State Surveillance Officers of all States participated in the review meeting. Representatives from Ministries of Coal, Power, Railways, Petroleum & Natural Gas were also present.

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