AIMSME organises Grand Networking event to Promote MSME sector
AIMSME organises Grand Networking event to Promote MSME sector
Mumbai City, the Financial Hub, was recently, witness to a grand Networking-event-cum knowledgeable-seminar on MSME organised by
AIMA -MSME founder Avinash Dalaal at the BSE building.The prime highlight of the event, was that, it saw the attendance by high-profile intellectual personalities from the corporate world such as Sundaraman Ramamurthy
MD and CEO Bombay Stock Exchange Ltd, Dr Pradeep Pendse, Prabhat Kumar IRs and CGST Excise Commissioner Navi Mumbai,Former Bombay High Court Judge Thaluani, Anand Chari and many more.
Amid addressing the audience Avinash Dalaal brought to light that today MSME Micro Small Medium Industry plays a very significanr role in making our Nation Economy more strong and can’t be neglected.
MSME Sector is the engine of our Country and this sector is creating 21 Millions jobs across Nation. We need to support
MSME in building up our Nation and our AIMA is already working to promote MSME sincerely. Since the last many years, we have strong base in North East,West and South.
So, our purpose to organise this grand event is to support MSME and to promote entrepreneuship among Youth.
Another distinguished Guest of the Event Sudaraman Ramamurthy MD and CEO BSE emphasized in his speech that MSME is a silent base of Economy. If we really need Atam Nirbhara Bharat, we need to submit MSME sector, without which, it is extremely difficult to make our Nation economically strong.
Notably, our Government has offered many credit schemes, loans schemes and fund raising to support MSME sectors.
He further added, those MSME companies listed with BSE are performing well, hence, we are ready to support MSME those who want to come up with IPO. MSME IPO has bright future and people are coming in large numbers.MSME is the future of our country.
Prabhat Kumar IRs and CGST Excise Commissioner of Navi Mumbai in his speech showered praises on PM Modi’s power-packed decision to implement GST in a short span of time. This has successfully done through and now business community are supporting this law to a very great extent.
Although, as of today, we are facing some challenges related to Fake invoice Bill and GST fraud, but in no way under control. GST is a good platform to promote your budget. Without GST, you cannot emerge as a successful man, because GST has become a part of every business.
Prabhat Kumar also advocated the people through Questions Answersheet Session and shared technical and practical knowledge related to GST which was very informative and knowledgeable.
Anand Chari Dy.General Manager BSE SME startup also addressed the audience and explained the process of registration of MSME with BSE and its benefits thereof.When you register your company with BSE you will get global recognition and branding. People can invest in your company globally. MSME is a good platform to generate funds and IPO is the best option.He also shared the process on how to register IPO with BSE.
If you register MSME with BSE Bank can repose trust in you and you can avail many benefits from banks as well investors .
During the Event high-profile dignitaries Former Judge Thailiani, Pradeep Pendse and Shailesh Kumar IRs and others were also felicitated and honoured by MSME team
Vice-President Sandeep Aditt.
This High profile Networking event was attended by MSME Owners and startup owner’s who shared their experience and future of startup in our Country. People from Financial Institutions, Media Houses and Networking group attended this event and made it successful.
News Input K.V.Raman