Sheeba Akashdeep 90’s popular actress returns from prolonged sabbatical with ‘Fateh’
Sheeba Akashdeep 90’s popular actress returns from prolonged sabbatical with ‘Fateh’
Sheeba Akashdeep reportedly was one of the most popular actresses of the 1990s. But for reasons unknown she slipped into oblivion. Now after over 3 decades she returns to face the arc lights again. In her media interaction Sheeba recalls on her missed opportunities in the prime of her career, and how she plans to make good use of the current content boom in India.
Its not something new. Everyone be it in any of their career face different stages. Although some stay on the same path, some explore different avenues.
But Sheeba Akashdeep, a 1990s popular actress, shares her love for her craft, her struggles and the kind of parts and projects she is on the lookout for.
She will not say that she is satisfied. She’s just going with the flow and there’s so much more that she would have liked to do or she should do and she want to do.
In retrospect at her struggles and missed opportunities and in the manner she handled the situation, Sheeba shares, that didn’t think she was young and not well guided. And yes, she has missed out on some very good opportunities. She was very relaxed about her career when she should have been more ambitious. So definitely yes there were a whole bunch of missed opportunities.
Now making a comeback with ‘Fateh’ Sheeba says the number of mediums, platforms and online channels has increased, and so has the competition. If you don’t take up an opportunity, there are 100 people ready to grab it.
She adds today actors are replaceable and brings an equal amount of talent and looks and experience to the table. The opportunities have increased but so has the competition. But let’s be fatalistic here and say what is meant to be yours will fall into your lap and there are certain cases in which if people really like your body of work, seen some of your work and liked it, you’re going to get the opportunity.
According to Sheeba she is looking for opportunities where she gets to showcase her talent. She wants to do a myriad of roles on a myriad of platforms and work full time.
She has dreamt on every single role that she has done so far. and dreams of doing more roles to fulfil her wishes.
The actor very well knows how to better her craft as she reads ans observes a lot. Sheeba also tries to keep herself updated in terms of the nuances of acting, how the craft has changed over the years, and how things have become much more subtle and natural and tries to keep reinventing herself. Even with something as silly as reels, she tries to bring something natural or different or just explore the whole medium of being herself while acting.
Elaborating on her all-time favourite reference materials, as per Sheeba, what comes to her mind off late is a show called ‘The Kominsky Method’. It was very interesting and she could learn a lot of nuances of acting from it. So that was the show she kind of watched with great observation and depth. Interestingly, a very light documentary which she saw recently called ‘Cunk On Earth’ on Netflix was really amazing. Had the protagonist, the actress who she thought was outstanding in her craft and loved the nuances which she brought to her act. So, you get to learn something new with every great show or part that you see and how an actor has interpreted that particular part which teaches you something every time she concluded.
News input KV Raman