Meet Promila Singh Celebrity Fashion Designer actor winner of numerous awards
Meet Promila Singh Celebrity Fashion Designer actor winner of numerous awards
India has always proved that it can provide the best talent to the world in every industry and the same goes for the fashion industry. As the creative fields of education have spread its wings, fashion designing has become one of the most loved and opted for streams.
The fashion industry is booming because of the gorgeous apparels that are worn by celebrities. There is a pool of talented fashion designers who create stunning outfits for the celebrities and set a new trend by their designs. There was a time when we had only a handful of designers but things are different now. As the industry is evolving and expanding, there are several fresh, talented designers who are changing the runway scene on an international level.
Indian fashion designers have transcended into the fashion industry with remarkable grace and poise with global recognition.
Beyond fashion shows, Indian designer labels have also received significant patronage.
Bollywood Celebrities too are also widely choosing Indian ensembles.
One such celebrity fashion designer is Promila Singh. She is a state-of-the-art celebrity fashion designer by profession an Indian Cinema actress too.
As an exceptional celebrity designer, she believes that self made creative Thoughts, Aims
Mission, Vision and Objectives of Life needs to be Unique in
her own style in the Global World.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day on 8 March she was honoured with the “Woman Icon of the Year award. This has come as a big honour for Promila and she is overwhelmed that she is getting recognition for her work.
Promila’s cherished dream is to essay a challenging role in a film which will leave an indelible mark as an actress to reckon with . Her Hi-Profile status in the fashion avenue, Beauty and Glamour Industry has won for her name and fame in the Indian
Film Industry.
No doubt, fashion designing is an highly competitive profession and every day a new fashion designer emerges.
Notably, her International Awards in the Beauty pageant and fashion shows has also earned for her prominent titles to her credit. She is an impeccable woman in all walks of life and a Genuine human being too with Humanity and Real concern for the Industry.
She is a Dreamer- cum Achiever in the Indian Film Industry. She is well connected to both Indian and international film Industry and enjoys good and cordial relationships in the Global World. Obviously a woman of her status need to be heaped with praises for her sincerity and commitment in the Indian in the Fashion Design and Indian Film industry.
She is the proud recepient of many prestigious awards as trendsetting fashion designer.
Meanwhile, Promila believes that Indian culture and civilization is the best in the entire Universe.
News Input K.V.Raman