Pallavi Joshi opens up on hue and cry over anti-muslim tag in “The Kashmir Files Unreported” Controversy
Pallavi Joshi currently seen in The Kashmir Files Unreported. reveals on the importance and the message in the film.
The film recently streamed on a digital platform
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derivable on OTT platforms, wonders, the different expectation by the viewers from this series, Pallavi shoots out that viewers need to expect hard facts and the truth that would make them uncomfortable and get moved.
However, after all is said and done, it is a segment of India’s history and hence it is of prime importance for them to see it. The series will surely shake them up and itsn’t going to be an easy watch – so this is a disclaimer Pallavi would like to give. “If you have the courage, then you should watch it.”
It’s the actor’s feeling that the series will turn out to be an
eye opener for youngsters. And the younger generation learns from this film and even one of them stands up and says, ‘I am going to say no to terrorism in my lifetime’, then that would be the penultimate success for Pallavi.
She goes on to add that we shouldn’t let something like this happen again and never divide India based on faith or religion. We have always lived together in harmony. India is a country of diversity, and each state, like Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, and the states in North East, have their unique culture, traditions, and faiths.
Notwithstanding these differences, we still remain one country, and have been able to live together as one democracy for a long time.
Distance from politicians and toxic social media influencers who sway you from your path. We are all Indians, and we should be proud of our country because India is doing very well at the moment.
According to Critics the film targets Muslims to which Pallavi disagrees, saying that the film doesn’t target Muslims at all, but targets terrorism and no soul in India will ever support terrorism. Pallavi further adds that had the film been setagainst Muslims, then we wouldn’t have shown the first scene in the movie where this little Abdul is helping little Shiva, and the same Abdul remembers his friend Shiva when he grows up, and Krishna returns to meet him. It is also mentioned in the film that it
wasn’t the Kashmiri Pandits alone who were killed amidst the the genocide but Buddhists, Krishnans, Muslims and whoever raised their voice against terrorism got killed.
Hence, Pallavi doesn’t see why hue and cry on this film being anti-Muslim when it certainly wasn’t.
Meanwhile, Pallavi concludes She concludes, it was a tale of the Kashmiri Pandits, their genocide, their displacement from their homeland, so that was the point of view. But it is not against Muslims, and if anyone is saying that she blatantly denies, since it being a fake narrative.
News Edit K.V.Raman