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Maneka Gandhi BJP MP tears into ISKCON over selling cows to butchers; ISKCON denies allegations, provides evidence


Maneka Gandhi BJP MP tears into ISKCON over selling cows to butchers; ISKCON denies allegations, provides evidence

Maneka Gandhi BJP MP tears into ISKCON over selling cows to butchers; ISKCON denies allegations, provides evidence

Maneka Gandhi BJP MP tears into ISKCON over selling cows to butchers; ISKCON denies allegations, provides evidence

BJP MP Maneka Gandhi, through a video, has made a startling claim against ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) over selling cows to butchers.

However, ISKCON spokesperson denies allegations of selling cows to butchers, says they provide lifelong care to cows and bulls.

Through a viral video, Maneka Gandhi wrote that the biggest cheater in the country is ISKON. They have several cow shelters and avail benefits from governments to run those cow shelters. They get lands and other facilities to run those cow shelters. She had recently visited the Anantpur Goshal (Cow slaughter) and found not a single cow was dry. In the entire dairy, there wasn’t a single calf, which means all have been sold to butchers…they however claim that their entire life is dependent on milk…Probably no one has sold as many cattle to butchers as they did. If these people can do it, what about others?”
Notably, a dry cow has not been milked.

The temple body has hit back at the BJP MP calling her statement “unsubstantiated” and “false”.

“ISKCON has been at the forefront of cow and bull protection and care not just in India but globally. The cows and bulls are served for their life not sold to butchers as alleged,” spokesperson of ISKCON Yudhistir Govinda Das wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“ISKCON has pioneered cow protection in many parts of the world where beef is a staple diet. Within India, ISKCON runs more than 60 gaushalas protecting hundreds of sacred cows and bulls and providing personalised care for their entire lifetime. Many of the cows presently served in ISCKON’s gaushalas were brought to us after being found abandoned, injured, or rescued from being slaughtered,” the statement read.

Further, the temple authority said that ISKCON has begun training programmes for the farmers and rural households on cow care techniques to help revive the culture of cow worship.

The statement further read that Gandhi is a well-recognised animal rights activist and well-wisher of ISKCON hence and ISKCON are surprised by these a accusation.

Further, Yudhistir Govinda Das has shared a letter from the Veterinary doctor regarding the Anantapur Govt Goshala. He wrote the Goshalas serve 76 bulls and 246 non-milking cows alongside milking cows with love and devotion.

As per claim of Das, Maneka Gandhi never visited the Goshala (cow shelter), adding that none of the workers or staff recollect having seen or even meeting her.

ISKCON national spokesperson also shared CCTV footage of 24 September of the Anantapur goshala with the non-milking cows to defend their remark.

ISKCON national spokesperson further points out that cows and bulls are taken care of for their entire natural life in our goshalas.

ISKCON spokesperson further added that depending on the place, some have mechanisms & volunteers to help make the gobar into manure, others into panchagavya items like dhoop, diya, jivamrut, cakes for havan, etc. Where it is feasible some also have biogas plants.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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