Ministry of Tourism undertaking Special Campaign 3.0 in full swing for cleanliness campaigns and disposal of pending matters
Ministry of Tourism undertaking Special Campaign 3.0 in full swing for cleanliness campaigns and disposal of pending matters
Ministry of Tourism has undertaken the Special Campaign 3.0 within the Ministry, India tourism domestic offices, Institute of Hotel Management, etc. Preparatory phase of the Special Campaign 3.0 started from 15th of September 2023 to identify targets for the various activities of the campaign. The main campaign has started from 2nd Oct. 2023 and will last up to 31st Oct. 2023. The main focus of the campaign includes the disposal of public grievances, references from the Members of Parliament, Cleanliness drive, weeding out of files, etc.
All the targets have been identified and efforts are on to achieve the same by the Ministry of Tourism during the campaign period. Progress of the campaign is being monitored and the updates are being uploaded on the SCPDM Portal hosted by Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances. All the Autonomous Bodies/Subordinate Office are enthusiastically participating for undertaking cleanliness campaign and reducing the pendency.
Students from IHMs, Yuva Tourism Clubs and stakeholders from the tourism sector are joining the cleanliness campaign for providing Swachh surroundings not only within the office and institutes premises but also in the areas visited by the tourists and public to make it a success. The cleanliness campaigns are being highlighted on social media platforms for creating awareness regarding Special Campaign 3.0 among the masses.