All India Muslim Development Franchies Dealership Expo held in Mumbai at World Trade Centre
All India Muslim Development Franchies Dealership Expo held in Mumbai at World Trade Centre
Undoubtedly, entrepreneurship and startup culture has escalated manifold among minority community in India.
They are now stepping forward to extend support this eco-system and to promote this startup culture.
Recently at the Ali India Muslim Development Franchies and Dealership Expo held in Mumbai at World Trade Centre, Startup and brands from different industries participated in this Expo across India.
This exhibition was a witness to various brands from different industries like food, Technology, Lifestyle, Real Estate and Hlaal industry.
In the midst of speaking with the media, Hussain Kalsekar one of the exhibitors from Al Numan perfume Brand attributed that, It’s a good initiative and very happy moment for us to have got the opportunity to participate in this exhibition.
We feel contended to have got
good response, and frankly speaking, its a good platform to promote our brands.
Hussain further elaborated that Its a good sign in that the Minority People have changed their business style and are also adopting to corporate and startup culture.
Such type of Expo certainly helps us to promote our brand and to increase our Network.
The Government must open its eyes to support us because, Minority community plays a very vital role in our country’s economy .
News Edit K.V.Raman