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Shalini Pandey shares her perspective on ‘Maharaj’ amid its Netflix release


Shalini Pandey shares her perspective on ‘Maharaj’ amid its Netflix release

Shalini Pandey shares her perspective on ‘Maharaj’ amid its Netflix release

Shalini Pandey shares her
perspective on ‘Maharaj’ amid its Netflix release

While Junaid Khan starrer ‘Maharaj’ navigated through legal hassles and sparked controversy before its premiere on Netflix on June 14 and
faced an interim stay imposed by the Gujarat High Court
eventually released on June 21. It has now reached the audiences.

Actress Shalini Pandey, who portrays Junaid’s on-screen fiancée, shared her perspective on the controversy in a recent interview.

She voiced cognizance of the sensitive sentiments involved but firmly believed that the film never intended to disrespect any religion or individual. She was much aware of the sentiments around it and personally felt that they didn’t do anything to disrespect any religion or anyone.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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