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Throwback: Sanjay Dutt recounts his mother Nargis Dutt’s words of advice before her demise


Throwback: Sanjay Dutt recounts his mother Nargis Dutt’s words of advice before her demise

Throwback: Sanjay Dutt recounts his mother Nargis Dutt’s words of advice before her demise

Throwback: Sanjay Dutt recounts his mother Nargis Dutt’s words of advice before her demise

Sanjay Dutt, one of Bollywood’s most beloved actors, is the son of legendary stars Sunil Dutt and Nargis Dutt. In a sentimental video circulating on social media, Sanjay remembered on the time following his mother’s passing, revealing that her words to him amidst that period still resonate deeply with him today.

An old interview of Sanjay Dutt has resurfaced online in which the 75-year-old actor shared that he didn’t immediately mourn his mother’s passing. It wasn’t until two years later, when he listened to a recording of her voice, that he was deeply moved. Hearing her words of love and guidance stirred emotions that had been suppressed, leading to a profound and life-changing moment for the actor.

Sanjay further added that When his mother died, he didnt cry, he had nothing. And it was after 2 years when he was sitting with the group and this guy suddenly started playing the tape.

As the tape plays, Nargis can be heard offering heartfelt advice to her son, saying, “Keep your humanity, keep your character. Never show off. Always be humble. And always respect the elders. That is the key that will take you far and that is the thing that will give you strength in your work.”

Sanjay further recalled the moment right after he heard the tape. “And he heard his mother’s voice, she was in hospital in New York, advising him, telling him things and how much she loved him and cared about him how much she expected from him.

He added that after two years just burst out and cried and cried for 4-5 hours. He meant all that thing which was inside of him just came out.

In 1980, Nargis was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and sought treatment at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. Upon her return to India, her health worsened, and she was admitted to Breach Candy Hospital.

On May 2, 1981, Nargis fell into a coma after her condition took a severe turn, and she passed away the following day at the age of 51.

Even after all these years, Sanjay Dutt holds the memories of his late mother close, frequently posting touching photos on social media. His honest reflections highlight the significance of treasuring moments with parents and recognizing their lasting influence long after they’ve passed.

News Edit KV Raman

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