ISKCON Staff absconds after with temple donation
ISKCON Staff absconds after with temple donation
News comes to light from Mathura’s ISKCON temple official that an employee who was entrusted with the job to collect the donated money and deposit it with the temple authorities from time to time fled with the collection amounting to Lakhs. Even he has carried away the receipt
book too.
According to Arvind Kumar, Superintendent of Police (city) the temple’s Chief Finance Officer
Vishwa Nam Das filed an FIR late on Friday night.
Adding that Das had given an application to SSP Shailesh Kumar Pandey on December 27, informing about the alleged theft. After
a primary investigation the FIR was lodged.
As per Temple PRO Ravi Lochan Das, the employee Murlidhar Das’ job was to collect the donated money and deposit it with the temple authorities from time to time.
That after scrutiny, it will be known exactly how much money he has deposited in the temple.
According to the FIR, Murlidhar Das, son of Nimai Chand Yadav, is a resident of Sriram Colony, Rauganj Vasa in MP’s Indore.
Police further said that along with the money, he also fled with a receipt book containing 32 sheets.
The PRO said earlier too a person named Saurav had fled with donation money as well as a receipt book. He died before they could be recovered.
It’s very baffling how could the conscience of the ISKCON Temple employee allow him to decamp with the temple funds. Anyways he shouldn’t be left free and should be dealt with severely so that he will think twice before committing a crime.
News Edit KV Raman