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Navi Mumbai Muslim Organisations postpone Eid Milad-un-Nabi.procession by a day for Ganesh Visarjan


Navi Mumbai Muslim Organisations postpone Eid Milad-un-Nabi.procession by a day for Ganesh Visarjan

Navi Mumbai Muslim Organisations postpone Eid Milad-un-Nabi.procession by a day for Ganesh Visarjan

Navi Mumbai Muslim Organisations postpone
Eid Milad-un-Nabi.procession by a day for Ganesh Visarjan

Amid a show of communal harmony, Navi Mumbai Muslim organisations have determined to postpone Eid Milad-un-Nabi
procession by a day to promote peace and harmony in Navi Mumbai for the Ganesh Visarjan on 28 September.
The community has also appealed for a public holiday on 29 September to allow people to attend the Eid processions.

This move by the Muslim
religious leaders and organisations of Navi Mumbai has been welcomed by the Navi Mumbai Police including the traffic police.

This year Eid Milad-un-Nabi falls on the same day as Anant Chaturdashi, the 10th day of visarjan of Ganesh.

For the Muslim Community,
Eid Milad-un-Nabi is an important day in Islamic calendar as it marks the birth of the last Prophet Mohammed. Muslims all over the world celebrate it with fervor and processions are organized on the occasion.

Navi Mumbai based Muslim organisations have for years have been organizing massive peaceful rallies involving cars and bikes and also people on foot, on the day. The main rally starts from Turbhe, and wends its way through Vashi, Koparkhairane and culminates at Ghansoli dargah. Similar rallies are organized in other roads as well.

Religious heads, trustees of mosques and organisations held a meeting on Thursday at Garib Nawaz mosque in Turbhe Store to discuss the matter and unanimously decided to avoid the procession taking place on the same day as Ganesh visarjan day.

As per Mohammed Khaleelullah Subhani, who heads the Garib Nawaz Masjid at Turbhe Store on “Eid Milad-un-Nabi they owe their very existence. It is important that the Prophets teachings of peaceful co-existence and respect for other religions are followed and implemented.

Subhani further added that following deliberations, representatives of all important Muslim leaders and groups involved in the organization of the annual procession have decided that they shall hold it a day later to enable our Hindu brothers to celebrate their festival sans any inconvenience.

Further adding that they ensure the police department that they believe in peace, the message of their Prophet. The Police have always supported them and hence they too will support them. They also ensured the Muslim Organisation that they will also support the procession and also participate in it.

Whereas Mohammed Zakiuallah Qadri, Imam of Madina Masjid Dana Market APMC, said that the pragmatic decision has been taken in view of the prevailing conditions in the country and some incidents that took place in the State recently. They don’t wish to give an opportunity to anyone to create trouble in the peaceful city. Hindus and Muslim have lived peacefully in the city even in the midst of the worst of times and that they shall not allow vested interests any scope to create trouble even now.

He went on to added further that “Ganeshotsav is the biggest festival for their Hindu brothers in the State and they ensure to not to face any problems. The organisation’s esteemed cleric Maulana Moin Ashraf Qadri (Moin Mian) took the decision in Mumbai and asked them all to send a positive message.

Syed Mushtaq, chairman of Ummeed Foundation affirms that Eid de Milad processions is being held since 1970 and Navi Mumbai has always given a message of peace and the tradition is being continued so that their brothers can have their processions in peace on the day.”

Advocate Atawaris Warsi of Kopar Khairane, attributed that this decision shows that they are a peaceful and flexible community. If the postponement of their celebration by a day can help peace in the country, they are ready for it. They want their brothers to celebrate their festival on the designated day.

According to Vivek Pansare who had been holding meetings with the community the decision of the Muslim community and various Trusts is a very positive development. A good decision has been taken in the interest of law and order and hence Navi Mumbai police welcomes it.”

He added that they shall meet them on Monday and plan the details further.

Appreciating the gesture, Nitin Kandhari, a BJP leader said, “Navi Mumbai has been known for its peaceful co-existence of all communities. They welcome and appreciate the decision of our Muslim brothers to postpone their Eid procession by a day. It sends a very positive message of brotherhood and understanding.”

He explained, that there are several processions on Visarjan day in every nook and corner of the city which brings a large number of people on the road.

An Eid procession on the same day would add to it leading to extreme crowding. It will also further burden the police and other agencies involved in providing security and making arrangements for the processions.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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