New rules for air passengers travelling to UAE – limit on Cash Jewellery imposed
New rules for air passengers travelling to UAE – limit on Cash Jewellery imposed
There are a few things travelers heading to UAE need to keep in mind. As per information received, if a person travels in UAE and takes valuable items with him/her, then he/she should keep in mind that there is a limit imposed on the luggage they can carry in person.
It has been told that UAE residents and visitors are not to carry with them more than Dh60,000 in cash or gold jewellery, diamonds etc. It is very important for safety to take care of this.
Information will have to be given through the app
Reportedly, through the app, information will have to be given that the passenger is carrying more than Dh60,000.
It has been clearly stated that if a passenger travels with jewelery or any other valuable item worth Dh60,000 or equivalent, will have to declare this through the Afseh app.
If the passenger enters from the airport, land border or any entry point, will have to provide this information. This app is recognized by the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs and Ports Security (ICP).
News Edit K.V.Raman