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Meet Dr. Elena Remizova Director Russian House and Vice Consul of Consulate General of Russian Federation in Mumbai.


Meet Dr. Elena Remizova Director Russian House and Vice Consul of Consulate General of Russian Federation in Mumbai.

Meet Dr. Elena Remizova Director Russian House and Vice Consul of Consulate General of Russian Federation in Mumbai.

Meet Dr. Elena Remizova
Director Russian House and
Vice Consul of Consulate General of Russian Federation in Mumbai.

Meeting knowing and conversing with people of stature is a pleasure indeed, but with an enterprising and a person of few words it turns out to be an unforgettable experience. There were no polite trivialities but human behaviour at its best.

Meet Dr. Elena Remizova
Director of the Russian House in Mumbai and Vice consul of the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Mumbai.

Dr. Elena Remizova expresses her happiness to work in India, because she has been connected with India since her childhood.

She did her schooling with the most popular and Rabindranath Tagore School.have studied in school and was enmeshed in the cultural and educational communication amidst the two countries.

But, notwithstanding the language and understanding of the culture, tradition and vibrance of the City of Mumbai, when she came she was in for a surprise, because she felt that India is a country full of surprises.

Elaborating on the Russian House in Mumbai and Russian Center for Science and Culture which was established in 1975, she asserts its a long history in Mumbai.

Her institution provides courses in Russian language, and they also run chess and ballet schools.

As per Dr. Elena, the prime
directions of their activities are education, culture and science. They are also into promotion of the eternity of Russian culture, discoveries and achievements of Russian Scientists and benefits of Russian education.

She added that as for now up to 30 000 Indian students are receiving their degrees in Russia with most of them in medicine.

Yes, medical education in Russia always had a big demand, but now the interest has escalated. In 2021 India declared that all medical students have to undergo 5 years of study not 4.

Unlike other countries Russia provides course duration. Apart, the number of Indian students has escalated in large numbers given the situation in Ukraine.

Since February 2022 Russian universities had accepted thousands of Indian students from Ukraine, and now they can continue their study in safe environments and with much up-to-date academic infrastructure.

As a matter of pride, Russia also provides possibility for free education in accordance to the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Every Indian student can apply through the website
And Candidates can choose any specialty ranging from medicine, engineering and economics to art and sports be it at any level of study (bachelor, master, postgraduate, internship, extended education), as well as Universities in which they wish to study.

By virtue of being the first ever woman as the head of Russian Center for Science and Culture in India ever, she is committed to the support of women’s empowerment and increasing of their social activities.

As delegate of W20 this year, she has collaborated with many women form different countries, and have discussed the situation as to how they could escalate the level of women’s engagement into the taking decisions.

She further went on to add that she has to mention that in India there are many different women’s organisations and very active!

It’a for sure, India has already done a lot for women’s support and will accomplish more success in the near future.

She is a charismatic personality
which speaks of her dedicated service.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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