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Centuries old Vishnu idol akin to Ayodhya Ram Lalla unearthed in Raichur


Centuries old Vishnu idol akin to Ayodhya Ram Lalla unearthed in Raichur

Centuries old Vishnu idol akin to Ayodhya Ram Lalla unearthed in Raichur

Centuries old Vishnu idol akin to Ayodhya Ram Lalla unearthed in Raichur

Interestingly, centuries old ancient Vishnu idol kin to Ayodhya’s Ram Lalla featuring all ten incarnations, or ‘dashavatara,’ was unearthed near the Krishna river, in the Raichur district of Karnataka.

Along with the Vishnu statue, an ancient Shivalinga was also unearthed.

As per Dr Padmaja Desai, a lecturer at Raichur University, the Lord Vishnu idol must have been a part of the sanctum sanctorum of a temple and must have been dropped in the river at the time of possible destruction of the temple.

Dr.Padmaja went on to describe its features and shared that Vishnu is depicted as having four arms, with his two upper hands holding the ‘shankha’ and ‘chakra’. The two lower hands are placed in the position of granting boons (‘kati hasta’ and ‘varada hasta’)

The Lecturer went on to add that the idol was resemblandent to Venkateshwara as described in the Vedas. However, this idol lacks Garuda, a characteristic typically seen in Vishnu idols. Rather, a pair of women holding fans is seen.
Since Vishnu is fond of decoration, this idol showing a smiling Vishnu is adorned with garlands and ornaments.

Archaeologists believe that the idol belonged to the 11th or 12th Century AD.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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