Quick bits : Why Marijuana should be legalised.
Quick Bits: Why Marijuana should be legalised.
Marijuana has been illegal in the country for about quite some time. However, it has been in use in India since 2000 BCE. Marijuana in the forms of charas (resin), ganja (flower) , bhang (leaves), bhang lassi (consumable drink) have been used around in different parts of India for ages.
In Ayurveda, Marujiana is used as an ingredient in various recipes of pain relievers and aphrodisiacs. More intrinsically, in small quantities, marijuana is used for people facing problems like depression, stress in order to gain relief as a natural pain relief.
India has a drastic problem of suicides, self-harm caused due to depression, anxiety, etc. Legalizing it would only do better for these people.
Since globally the world is having a problem economically due to the pandemic, legalization of marijuana can somewhat balance the loss we face economically. Marijuana has the potential of being a cash crop, not for consumption but for other uses. It is known to help people with eye ailments, cancer, and joint pain.
Not only China but many other countries are also doing a lot of research on marijuana for cancer cure. Marijuana does not cure cancer but it reportedly stops cancer from spreading.