Mumbai receives 40% excess Rainfall in June
Mumbai receives 40% excess Rainfall in June
Climatologically rainfall over west coast, has 3 peaks as seen below. 1st occurs in 2nd week of June. 2nd & 3rd peak in first week of July & then in Aug start.The rains gradually decrease thereafter. Taken from studies by Francis and Gadgil 2005

493.1 mm Rainfall is Normal rainfall for June for Santacruz-Mumbai & is based in RF data frm 1981-2010. Realised rainfall as on date; 14 June at Santacruz is 719.3 mm which is already ~ 40% excess. Most of it came from 3 Heavy & one Extremely Heavy rainfall (> 200 mm) events.

Monday, Mumbai Thane received no rains almost in last 3,4 hrs. Clear Sky conditions as of now. We can expect good sunny days in Mumbai and around on Tuesday. Enjoy the sort of open sky…