Indian Railways rolls out Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) over 156 Health facilities across Indian Railways
Accelerated deployment of HMIS over balance Health facilities soon
Implementation of HMIS-an effort to bring entire Railway Health System on a single architecture to provide faster, seamless and hassle free healthcare
Out of total 11,76,300 employees of Railways, 11,24,058 are registered in HMIS
HMIS to bring paradigm shift in health care systems maintained by Indian Railways.
In the current IT age, digitized healthcare is the need of the hour to provide seamless service. Keeping this in sight, RailTel- a miniratna PSU of Ministry of Railways and C-DAC- A unit (e shushrut) under Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, have been entrusted with the task of implementing Pan India Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) at 129 Railway hospitals and 586 health units to bring the entire Railway Health System on a single architecture to provide faster, seamless and hassle free healthcare.
Out of total 11,76,300 employees of Railways, registered employee beneficiaries are 11,24,058. Total HMIS employee cards generated are 10,33,143. Card generated is persons who have got their UMID card made. Out of total 16,52,082 pensioners of Railways, registered pensioners beneficiaries are 4,83,592. Total HMIS pensioners beneficiaries cards generated are 3,75,440. Employees have average 3-4 dependent and pensioners have 2-3 dependents.
HMIS has already been deployed over 156 Health facilities across Indian Railways. Further accelerated deployment over balance Health facilities will be done in 2021.
HMIS solution is going to cover the entire gamut of clinical care as well as Hospital Administration with around 20 modules that are relevant to Railway Hospitals. The modules cover both core as well as ancillary requirements of Hospital management like areas of OPD, IPD, Labs, OT, Blood Bank, Pharmacy, Referrals, Medical Examinations and Reimbursement of Medical Claims etc.
To empower the medical beneficiaries a mobile App has also been developed, which enables the patients to access their Electronic Medical Record (EMR) from anywhere. Features like tele-consultation, lab report access, Medicines disbursed to patient etc have also been provided through this app. Feature of self-registration is also available on this App.
This system is fully integrable with National Digital health Mission program of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The HMIS has been synchronized with various other digital initiatives of Indian Railway like Unique Medical ID (UMID), IPASS and ARPAN etc and is capable of further such integrations as per need.
Digitization of health data which is accessible through unique medical ID (UMID) of Railway healthcare beneficiaries is going to make the healthcare services hassle free and transparent. Patient can take OPD appointment by scanning the QR code through HMIS app This will bring improvement in patient care and patient services to approximately 10 million Railway health beneficiaries.