Vendors Car washing shops garages eating into walking space of citizens literally pushed to the roads
Vendors Car washing shops garages eating into walking space of citizens literally pushed to the roads
Vendors have spilled on to the the Pedestrian Paths leaving no space for people to walk. Senior Citizens and young children are finding it extremely difficult to negotiate space to walk. They can’t take to the busy roads with heavy flow of traffic endangering their precious lives. Thanks to the civic body corporators.
Despite repeated reminders to the civic body officials to evacuate the vendors no action has been initiated. They give a blind eye.The civic body officials do not seem to have any sympathy for the senior citizens and the young children. They seem to be oblivious to the danger to life of the senior citizens and young children if they take to the busy road. Its not only the hawkers but even some car washing shops have occupied the pedestrian path. The pedestrian path is also used as a parking lot by bike-borners.
Over and above the pedestrian-centric spaces have also been taken over by roadside garages. Worse, they park their in-service vehicles on the pedestrian path seemingly without paying any penalty.
It has been a burning issue for long.
In some places in the city and suburbs the pedestrian path is shrinking with restaurants, shrines and private vehicles occupying them. Local Ward Officers/Corporators, when questioned by residents, give the strangest of explanations.
Even some restaurants in the suburbs have tiled the pavement just in front of it with standing tables for customers by using the pavement as an extension of the shop. Even temples use the pavement as an extension to the place of worship for devotees to stand and pray. Added to this the pavement has even emerged as home to beggars.
Better late than never the Civic Body Corporators must take up the issue seriously and do the needful
News Input K.V.Raman