Lions International organises Chess Tournament for kids 7 to 16 age on occasion of International Chess Day on 23 July
Lions International organises Chess Tournament for kids 7 to 16 age on occasion of International Chess Day on 23 July
Lions Clubs International is a tax-exempt social welfare organization. Their Mission is to Serve and they are into it
ever since it was established.
To strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian services and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding and to be the global leader in community and humanitarian service.
On 23 July the Lions International organised Chess Tournament for kids from 7 to 16 age on the occasion of International Chess Day at G. D. Somani School, cuffe parade, Mumbai.I
The tournament turned out to be an exhilarating and successful CHESS tournament with participants in such large number. It was also was a witness to a massive participation of 290 + with ,300+parents for the chess tournament.
The participants at this unique project came from far away Pune,Vashi,Panvel,Churchgate to Palghar.
A gesture of thanks was conveyed to Lion
Shraddha More (Global focus area chairperson ,Youth Development) for taking up the project.It really empowered a spirit of sports in young kids
Special thanks and appreciation was also conveyed to Lion Urvi Registrar & Neha Bandekar for providing the parents with an orientation on LIONS movement and keeping them engaged with different activities throughout the programme.
A gesture of thanks was also conveyed to the organisation’s core strength Leo Lion Sudhansu Maheshwari and his team of Leo District 3231 A3 for being our helping hand in this project. His continuous on ground work of 22leos helped pull off this event in an effective manner.
Thanks also went to Lion Sunil Lavti for taking up the responsibility of organising the venue, food and other logistical requirements. Without his selfless support this wouldn’t have been possible.
Thank you IPMCC Lion Dr Khwaja Muddasir And IPDG Lion Hemantraj Sethia for gracing us with your presence
Heartiest thank was also conveyed to special invitee PDG Lion Umesh Gandhi for sparing time from his busy schedule and making it to this event.
Thanks even goes to 2nd VDG Lion Manoj Babur for being there for his guidance.
Thanks also goes to all the Micro Cabinet Members and Cabinet Secretary -Lion Atul Goyal,Treasurer-Lion Vijay Havelia for unstinted support.
Last but not the least, Thanks to District Governor Lion Ajay S Havelia for constant support and Motivation.
Thanks also goes to Mumbai City District Chess Association for being a collaborative partner for this project.
News input KV Raman