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Emmanuel Macron French President arrives for Republic Day – Grand Welcome planned


Emmanuel Macron French President arrives for Republic Day – Grand Welcome planned

Emmanuel Macron French President arrives for Republic Day – Grand Welcome planned

Emmanuel Macron French President arrives for Republic Day – Grand Welcome planned

As Emmanuel Macron French President arrives on a two-day visit for Republic Day a exceptional Welcome are planned followed by a rich and
extensive” programme.

Notedly, Macron’s visit has been organised at relatively short notice as U.S. President Joseph Biden only informed New Delhi in December of his inability to accept India’s invitation and is likely to span just 40 hours.

As a result, as per officials they were still working on the number of MoUs and agreements that could be signed during the visit.

The itinerary, however, may make up with pomp and splendour what the meetings may lack in substance.

A grand welcome is being planned for Macron in Jaipur on January 25, including a joint motorcade parade with PM Modi, bilateral talks, and a gala banquet at one of the city’s erstwhile royal palaces.

As per sources, Macron will arrive in Jaipur and be received by PM Modi on the afternoon of January 25, before the two leaders embark on roadshow and head for bilateral talks.

On January 26, the French President will officiate at the Republic Day parade in Delhi, and then attend functions organised by the French Embassy, as well as the ‘At Home’ tea at Rashtrapati Bhavan in the evening. Mr. Macron is expected to fly out after the official functions are over, either on the night of January 26, or early on January 27.

According to Defence, digital collaboration Officials at least a dozen MoUs would be signed after the talks in Jaipur.

Though all eyes will be on big ticket defence deals including for aircraft, submarines and jet engine technology officials said these were all still being “worked upon”, pointing to the growth of the “made in India” components of such deals as significant.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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