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Indian-American couple forces kin onto labour-face long term imprisonment


Indian-American couple forces kin onto labour-face long term imprisonment

Indian-American couple forces kin onto labour-face long term imprisonment

Indian-American couple
forces kin onto labour-face long term imprisonment

An Indian-American couple has been imprisoned in US for luring
their relative to work at their gas station and convenience store for over three years by bringing him to the United States on the pretext of helping enrol him in a school. The victim worked for long hours under threat and abuse.

A US court has sentenced the couple Harmanpreet Singh, 31, to 135 months (11.25 years) and Kulbir Kaur, 43, to 87 months (7.25 years) that also asked them to pay the victim, his cousin, $225,210.76 (Rs 1.87 crore approximately) in restitution.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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