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Unlawful hawkers take over the streets in Mumbai – leaves no space for pedestrians


Unlawful hawkers take over the streets in Mumbai – leaves no space for pedestrians

Unlawful hawkers take over the streets in Mumbai – leaves no space for pedestrians

Unlawful hawkers take over the streets in Mumbai – leaves no space for pedestrians

The unlawful hawkers have almost taken over every street in the city leaving hardly any space for movement of pedestrians. The Bombay High Court on observation asks why
ordinary citizens should not get
that only “VVIPs” seem to get.

A division bench of Justices
M S Sonak and Kamal Khata, in an order on June 25, stated that the problem has reached “alarming proportions”, and the government and civic body cannot take their own “sweet time” to deal with it. Their implementation continues to be a casualty. The hawkers and street vendors have almost taken over the streets, lanes and bylanes leaving hardly any place for people to walk on the footpaths.

Last year the High Court took suo motu (on its own) note of the issue of illegal and unauthorised hawkers and vendors in Mumbai and initiated this petition. The court has issued several directions to the civic body officials, but, they are silent and not initiating any course of action best known to them.

Mumbaikars fear that if no appropriate action is taken this unlawful attitude of the hawkers will continue and people may have to take to the roads instead.

News Edit K.V.Raman

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