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Vice President calls for an objective re-evaluation of Indian history through fact-based research


Vice President calls for an objective re-evaluation of Indian history through fact-based research

Vice President calls for an objective re-evaluation of Indian history through fact-based research

Vice President calls for an objective re-evaluation of Indian history through fact-based research

Historians must be committed to the truth: VP

VP cautions against selective or incomplete accounts of Indian history

VP calls for greater research on unsung Indian heroes of freedom struggle

‘Our highest patriotic mission to remember supreme sacrifices of freedom fighters’

VP says freedom struggle teaches us the importance of social harmony and brotherhood

History should not be a niche subject monopolized by a chosen few: VP

Vice President participates in the valedictory function of the Golden Jubilee year of Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), inaugurates exhibition on freedom struggle

The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu today said historians should be committed to truth and called for an ‘objective re-evaluation of Indian history through fact-based research.

Stressing the need for greater academic rigor in historical research, he cautioned against “selective or incomplete accounts of Indian history”. He said that retelling historical facts through an ideological viewpoint will provide a distorted view, as was done under the colonial rule. Instead, he urged historians to strengthen ‘scientific writing of history with the help of specialized bodies like the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR).

The Vice President was participating in the valedictory function of the Golden Jubilee year of the Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR), organized by the Ministry of Culture. He also inaugurated an exhibition on ‘Freedom Struggle of India’ by ICHR on the occasion.

Shri Naidu also called for greater research on unsung Indian heroes of the freedom struggle, many of whom were ‘limited to mere footnotes in history books’. As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, he said, their individual stories must be documented to reveal their ‘pain, struggle and the great pride with which they fought for the motherland. ‘Untold history must be told’, he said.

Even on popular heroes, Shri Naidu suggested that historical research must delve deeper into different aspects of their personalities in a more comprehensive manner. He stressed the need for studying tribal and peasant revolts in various parts of the country in greater detail to understand the ‘unflinching courage of the ordinary masses who fought the British without any organizational backing’.

Shri Naidu observed that there are many people who fought in different parts of the country against the British, and that all of them are ‘national heroes’

‘It is our duty—our highest patriotic mission to remember the supreme sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and their noble struggle to wrest independence from colonial rulers’, Shri Naidu observed.

Touching upon India’s civilizational values such as brotherhood, tolerance and peaceful coexistence, the Vice President said ‘these values have defined us and remained constant in our civilizational history. Kings and kingdoms changed over time, but these values remained a guiding lodestar to us.’

He noted that despite the geographical variations, linguistic, religious and ethnic diversity, ‘we share these quintessentially Indian values. That is why I say, we are all fundamentally Indians first. Our regional, religious and linguistic identities only come later’.

Calling upon people to earnestly learn about Indian history, Shri Naidu said history can unshackle ‘our minds of any inferiority complex we may harbour’. He emphasized that recounting tales of our freedom struggle will ‘not only remind us of the importance of nationalism but also of social harmony and brotherhood’.

Suggesting that ‘history should not be a niche subject monopolized by a chosen few, the Vice President said that there is a tremendous amount of work to be done in the domain of translation of literary and historical sources and accounts of ancient and medieval ages.

Shri Naidu called upon state governments to organize regular visits to important historical places for children. He suggested that school textbooks must cover stories of freedom fighters’ lives in an interesting and engaging way. ‘It is my conviction that the lives of our historical figures must be a source of inspiration for the next generations’, he said.

The Vice President complimented ICHR for completing 50 years in historical research and for “persevering to fill important gaps in Indian history”. He appealed to people, particularly youngsters, to visit the exhibitions being put up by ICHR in various parts of the country to better understand the great struggle to attain Swaraj for India. He also called upon Parliamentarians to visit the exhibition and know the contributions of freedom fighters and appreciate the efforts of ICHR.

Shri Dharmendra Pradhan, Hon’ble Union Minister of Education & Minister of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Prof. Raghuvendra Tanwar, Chairman, ICHR, Prof. Arvind P. Jamkhedkar former Chairman, ICHR, Prof. Kumar Ratnam, Member Secretary, ICHR and other dignitaries were present during the event.

Following is the full text of the speech:

“Sisters and brothers,


I am indeed very happy to be here to inaugurate an exhibition on freedom struggle and participate in the valedictory function of the Golden Jubilee year of Indian Council of Historical Research (ICHR). My hearty congratulations to distinguished historians, ICHR officers and staff on this momentous occasion!

I am happy to know that the ICHR has chalked out a plan for a series of exhibitions under the broad rubric of the ‘Freedom Struggle of India, 1757-1947’. I am told there will also be an exhibition on the Revolutionary Movement and another one on ‘Kashmir through the Ages’. I understand these exhibitions will be organized at different centres across the country. This is a commendable initiative and must be implemented earnestly.

Today’s exhibition, the first in the series, has been designed to highlight the spiritual and cultural inspiration to Indian freedom fighters to whom the nation is ever grateful for the innumerable sacrifices made by them to free our motherland from foreign yoke.  I appeal to people, particularly youngsters, to visit this exhibition and also the ones put up elsewhere in the country to better understand the great struggle to attain swaraj for India.

Sisters and brothers,

As you are all aware, in March 2021, the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi had announced ‘ Ázadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ celebrations to commemorate India’s 75 years of independence. While thousands have laid down their lives during the freedom struggle, we know very little, unfortunately, about many such heroes. ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ is not only a time for celebration but also an occasion to recall the struggles and sacrifices of all the celebrated and unsung heroes of our freedom struggle and pay our tributes to them.

Sisters and brothers,

Mere chronicling of events is not History. A historian committed to truth, however unpalatable it may be, provides a comprehensive and objective account of past events. In a sense, history connects us to our cultural and social roots. It gives us an identity, shapes our collective consciousness and reminds us of our legacy and ethos.

At a critical juncture in the journey of a society, history can become a lighthouse and provide guidance based on past experiences.

Sisters and brothers,

In the Indian context, despite our geographical variations, linguistic, religious and ethnic diversity, we share quintessentially Indian values such as brotherhood, tolerance and peaceful coexistence. ‘Share and care’ is the foundational value of our civilization. We look at the world as one big family – hence our adage, ‘Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’.

These values have defined us and remained constant in our civilisational history. Kings and kingdoms changed over time, but these values remained a guiding lodestar to us.

That is why I say, we are all fundamentally Indians first. Our regional, religious and linguistic identities only come later.

Sisters and brothers,

If we earnestly learn about our roots, it can unshackle our minds of any inferiority complex we may harbour. Recounting tales from our freedom struggle will not only remind us of the importance of nationalism but also of social harmony and brotherhood. As I mentioned earlier, history can educate, enlighten and emancipate us.

I have always been vocal in calling for an objective re-evaluation of Indian history through fact-based research. Selective or incomplete accounts of Indian history and retelling of historical facts through an ideological viewpoint will provide a distorted view. This aspect must be borne in mind by students and academics of history.

I believe that there is every need to bring to light the stories of unsung Indian heroes—many of whom were limited to mere footnotes in history books. Their individual stories must be documented to reveal their pain, struggle and the great pride with which they fought for the motherland.

Even on popular heroes, historical research must delve deep into different aspects and not follow the beaten track. Such research will enable historians to look at different facets of a personality in a more comprehensive manner and might shed some new light. I am happy to note the present exhibition is trying to do this.

For instance, it should be remembered that there were peasant and tribal revolts in various parts of the country against the oppressive economic and socio-cultural policies of the British. These spontaneous upsurges were led by marginalized people with limited means to fight. These revolts are a true testament to the unflinching courage of the Indian peasants and tribals. We must not limit the history of our freedom struggle to those fighting with an institutional means—it is also important to appreciate and shed light on the immense contribution of the ordinary masses who fought the British without any organizational backing.

It is our duty—our highest patriotic mission to remember the supreme sacrifices made by our freedom fighters and their noble struggle to wrest independence from colonial rulers.

On my part, I took up the mission of retelling some of these valorous acts of our tribal fighters by writing about them on my Facebook account. Similarly, I wrote extensively about our freedom fighters’ bravery and suffering in the Cellular Jail, Andaman. In this context, I must compliment ICHR for bringing out a four-volume ‘Dictionary of Indian martyrs’.

Sisters and brothers,

We must also invest more in studying history with greater academic rigour. Our universities must partner with specialized bodies such as ICHR to take up research and strengthen the ‘scientific writing of history’. In such a dispassionate approach to history, we will find the presentation of facts substantiated with credible references. It will be an unalloyed version, free of any bias, leanings and preferences.

History should not be a niche subject monopolized by a chosen few. The gateway to authentic history should be open to all. This also calls for tremendous amount of work to be done in the domain of translation of literary and historical sources and accounts of ancient and medieval ages.

Sisters and brothers,

School textbooks should extensively cover stories of our brave heroes and mention about their life journey in an interesting and engaging way. Regular visits to important historical places, including Sabarmati ashram and Cellular Jail must be organized for children by various state governments.

It is my conviction that the lives of our historical figures  must be a source of inspiration for the next generations.

Once again, I am very happy to have come here today to inaugurate the Exhibition on Freedom Struggle and attend the valedictory function of ICHR’s Golden Jubilee year.

My best compliments to everyone engaged in furthering Indian historical research. I wish them all success in their endeavours.

I wish to congratulate ICHR once again for completing 50 years and for persevering to fill important gaps in Indian history.

Thank you.

Namaskar. Jai Hind!”



(Release ID: 1810561) Visitor Counter : 284

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