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Swara Bhasker reacts to food blogger Nalini for her derogatory post on the actress


Swara Bhasker reacts to food blogger Nalini for her derogatory post on the actress

Swara Bhasker reacts to food blogger Nalini for her derogatory post on the actress

Swara Bhasker reacts to food blogger Nalini for her derogatory post on the actress

It’s a fact that some actors can’t take things lying down and speak up their mind when some one for that matter makes derogatory comments on them.

Recently actress Swara Bhasker who never backs-away from
propounding her opinion wherever she needs to. This time around, it was food blogger Nalini.Nalini shared a ‘now and then’ picture of Swara and wrote, “What did she eat?” This didn’t go down well with Swara and sans wasting time she quickly responded
to give her a taste of her own medicine. Swara wrote, “She had a baby. And do better, Nalini.”

No sooner she posted, her fans reacted to it, and stepped forward to support the actress. They strongly criticized Nalini for her mean comment. One wrote, “Bodyshaming IS NOT COOL. Removing you from my followers list and blocking you.” Another user wrote, “Shame on you. Unfollowed you.” “She’s a mother now, so yeah, she did put on some weight.
Grow up Nalinis Kitchen and stop body shaming!”, wrote another user.

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But this argument further escalated when Nalini again responded to Swara. Nalini in her tweet wrote, “I was doing well, but you got in my way by spreading hatred on my vegetarian post. I regularly promote vegetarianism, and that post was just part of it. Your response turned it into a communal issue, which is why I didn’t respond that day.”

She further wrote, “Your food choices are your own, and I have no issue with that. However, I am free to express and promote vegetarianism. Yes, I am vegetarian and understand that dairy can be cruel in some way. I will be more proud when I become vegan.”

“You turned my post into a communal issue. You have a huge fan base, so please think twice before making such comments. Your words can impact society and cause significant trouble for people like me,” she added.

Nalini concluded the message by writing, she accepts her mistake by posting Swaras’ photos and will delete them soon. DARO MAT accept you(Swara) mistakes and delete hate against her..

After this post, Swara felt compelled to address the issue and she wrote, “Let’s get into this! U got upset that I called out your veg-supremacy post- clearly intended to target Muslims on Bakr-Eid. Ok. But instead of engaging with me on vegetarianism you chose to shame a breast-feeding mother of an infant for putting on weight?? You are a nutritionist?”

News Edit K.V.Raman

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